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Having a totally free version of Traktor, in my opinion is a great gift, hopefully it will continue like this for the next years 🙂 There is talk that they could include other platforms such as Spotify or increase its compatibility to more controllers. They keep updating it, this is a very positive thing because they can keep expanding features and improvements.You can use it with controllers, but only TRAKTOR’s own controllers, you can see the list here (you have to scroll down a bit).You can work with SoundCloud Go+, you can load tracks from there.It has a “Track Matching” track recommendation system to help you choose the next track, which takes into account the BPM and the key of the track that is playing.Pre-listening function ( but only with controllers, or at least I have not been able to activate it working with a sound card).FREEZE mode: freezes the track and you can work it as a sampler, playing specific parts, this is very interesting, but you can only do it on iPad (by touching directly the sections of the track with your finger).You have a multifunction knob for effects: Filter, Reverb, Delay and Gate.You have all the basic functions of a DJ software: SYNC, Hot CUEs (x8), Loops, Equalizers….You can use it legally both at home and at events.You can record yourself (something to be thankful for! not all free software allow it).It is an intuitive software, whether you are a professional or a beginner you will easily get the hang of the program.