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All of our other laser light shows (TI-168-9, BOB-series, etc.) come pre-programmed with patterns and do not require.This shortened URL has been disabled due to a violation of our terms & conditions. Laser animation software is required to run animated/programmable laser light shows - either the iShow software that we sell here, or if you already have some ILDA-compatable software and a DB25 interface, this may also work. Friend on FACEBOOK TWITTER for Extra's NEW FREE ILDA and SD card Laser Animations at CUTTING EDGE.

Each Animated Laser ild File must be named up to 8 letters for the title, to keep within the guidelines of the Laser Animation SD card software/firmware so these ild LaserAnimations are abreviated to keep within those parameters.

With the release of QuickShow 3.0 (which is a FREE update for all Pangolin clients), we have further expanded the program's functionality, while still retaining the software's ease of use, which clients have come. QuickShow has been the world's leading laser show software for several years, providing thousands of clients around the world with extremely powerful, yet easy to use laser control. Input Voltage:90-250VACFrequency:50-60HZPower consumption:35Wlaser Power:G:532nm 300mWPlay Mode:Auto. 300mW green animation laser light with SD Card. ILDA Ishow 2.3 Laser Light Projector Software For Disco DJ DMX Bar Stage Laser Show Lighting People Also Bought. If you already have Pangolin's FB3 hardware, and would like to download the latest version of QuickShow, click here. Software If you do not currently have Pangolin's FB3 hardware or QuickShow, and you would like to download a demo version, click here.

3rd Segment Edit Add movement method on basic patterns,then save it as a module 4th Show Edit Assembly the basic patterns, ILAD. The Main Window A ) The Main Window 1st Picture Edit Draw some basic patterns,then save it as ddr file 2nd Quick Play Play the basic patterns, ILDA images and character scroll. IShow software instructions The Window would appears as below when running iShowCh.exe.